Reasons why people HATE Dentists

The Perfect Smile Advanced Training Institute has carried out some research into why people hate the dentist. We have found some useful and enlightening results. As a consequence we have re-checked all our protocols and processes within our practice to make sure that you are able to achieve your goals and have a great positive … Read more

What lies between You and Your Perfect Smile?

Perfect smile

Your smile is the first thing people see and it often portrays how you feel about your self. Some people find that their smile actually reflects their self-esteem and self-confidence. Some find that they become more progressively reserved and others actually are ashamed of their teeth and always put their hand on their mouth to … Read more

What’s More Scary, Dentistry or Spiders?

The latest research conducted by the British Dental Health Foundation suggests that visiting the dentist makes people more nervous than snakes or spiders. The Foundation asked 1,004 people what made them most nervous from a list including heights, flying, injections, doctors, snakes, spiders, going to the hospital and visiting the dentist. Over one in five … Read more

You can have the perfect look with drill free dentistry

According to a recent YouGov survey 45% of adults in the UK are unhappy with their smile, 56% would consider treatment to improve their smile, and a quarter make a direct link between their teeth and self-esteem. These days people are not looking for suspiciously perfect teeth like gleaming white Hollywood nashers but something that … Read more

Analysing why dreams of a perfect smile are left unrealized by over 64% of Brits

Many people feel that they may have lost their confidence or self –esteem over the years. This is because they have been acutely aware that people are constantly looking at their teeth when they are talking to them. They feel embarrassed but are not aware of the things that can be done these days to … Read more

Is Dad’s Dental Phobia Impacting His Kids?

A new study conducted by the University of Madrid has highlighted the fact that adults may be unconsciously transmitting their dentist fear to their family. Fear of visiting the dentist is very common in children and numerous studies have already identified the role parents have played in exacerbating this primal fear.  The study has identified the … Read more