Last-Minute Options for Fixing Bad Teeth

Bad Teeth? It’s Never too Late to do Something!

As a recent employee at The Perfect Smile Studios, I felt it was important to write this blog post because I know exactly how it feels to have bad teeth and be too scared to visit the dentist.

Now, I’ve never experienced dental phobia or have been scared of the dentist.

Katie Uptas - The Perfect SmileHowever, at one point, I went five years without seeing a dentist because I was scared of what they would tell me about my oral health. And because I had left it so long, I was even more frightened that I would be judged for it.

But after joining The Perfect Smile’s reception and care team, I’ve been able to see a different side of dentistry and gain a close insight into what dentists really think. And it’s now in my experience that the dentists I work with are simply problem solvers.

They don’t judge your oral condition or how you’ve ended up here, they’re more concerned about what they can do to make things better and how you will be committed moving forward to make their magic a true success.

So, together, we thought we would reach out to other people who are scared of gum disease or decayed teeth and might feel precisely like I once did.

This post intends to educate you on the options for restoring bad teeth and all the ways we can save your smile.

Fillings for Cavities

  • What they do/treat: Fillings treat tooth decay and prevent damage and tooth loss while also reducing the possibility of pain and infection.
  • Symptoms you need one: Tooth sensitivity, flossing string tears, dark spots, throbbing or sharp tooth pain or chipped and fractured teeth.
  • We offer white, tooth-coloured fillings that can be placed within the hour. Costs begin from £150. More.

Composite Bonding to Rebuild Chipped Teeth

  • What they do/treat: Composite bonding is a resin material used to build up lost or broken tooth structure. We use composite bonding to reshape teeth and improve their colour.
  • Symptoms you need one: You have gaps between your teeth (diastema), need to cover an exposed tooth root or have damaged, decayed or fractured teeth.
  • We offer tooth-coloured composite bonding that lasts five years or more. Why not improve your entire smile with composite veneers instead? More.

Dental Crowns to Protect the Underlying Tooth

  • What they do/treat: Dental crowns protect weak teeth from decay or prevent them from crumbling. Crowns are a standard restorative method to restore broken or severely worn teeth.
  • Symptoms you need one: You have recently undergone a root canal or have severely broken, chipped or decayed teeth. You may also need a crown if you have large fillings that are not functional.
  • We offer dental crowns that perfectly match the existing colour of your regular teeth to blend flawlessly. Dental crowns can last a lifetime and common final restorations for treatments like dental implants. More.

Dental Implants for Single Tooth Loss

  • What they do/treat: Tooth loss.
  • Symptoms you need one: You have gaps in your mouth from a tooth lost to trauma, gum disease, decay or sporting injury. Patients who have had a missing tooth for some time and are experiencing bone loss in their jaw should consider implants to strengthen their underlying foundation.
  • What we offer: We offer several dental implant brands and methods. Our single titanium implants, including the abutment, appointments and dental crown, cost £2,550. More.

Implant-Based Dentures, or Overdentures for Multiple Tooth Loss

  • What they do/treat: Edentulous cases (total tooth loss/multiple missing teeth).
  • Symptoms you need one: Low jaw bone quality, sagging or drooping face, multiple gaps in the mouth, difficulty eating or speaking.
  • We offer affordable and advanced full mouth or arch rehabilitation, whether it’s a method like All-on-4 or implant-based dentures.

Tooth Whitening for Staining & Discolouration

  • What they do/treat: Tooth whitening procedures eradicate everyday tooth stains and discolouration (genetic or lifestyle) and treat yellow teeth and fluorosis.
  • Symptoms you need one: Have tiny white specks or streaks of white or dark brown stains that might feel rough to the touch – mottled or pitted teeth.
  • We offer several tooth whitening products, whether you prefer to progress with your treatments at home or need something more advanced. View our options from £260.

As mentioned in our opening paragraph, we don’t want you to discount the treatment you might need because you’re scared of what we might say or think.

There’s no need to hide your smile or let bad teeth ruin how you interact with others. If you’re not sure what the problem is, or if there’s even a problem, book an appointment with us – we can sort it all out from there and hopefully bring you some peace of mind.