How Much are Braces?

How much are braces

Price Guide For All Adult Brace Types in the UK Braces are most commonly prescribed to patients experiencing overbite issues, overcrowding and other bite conditions.  Whilst you can live with conditions like an overbite, letting it go untreated has been known to cause serious consequences to the teeth, mouth and overall health. Therefore, it’s best … Read more

Can you get braces on the NHS over 18?

Can You Get Braces on The NHS Over 18? Free braces vs paid options. Adults are usually not eligible for brace treatments on the National Health Service (NHS).  This is because any type of brace treatment for adults is considered to be cosmetic in nature and the NHS does not cover the cost of cosmetic … Read more

What is a good age to get braces?

Is there a right age to get braces? Brace treatment can essentially be done at any age as soon as you have permanent teeth. Innovative orthodontic solutions now mean that the majority of people regardless of age can have teeth straightening treatments. These include inconspicuous braces and clear braces. Brace treatment involves components like a … Read more

All the ways to straighten teeth without braces

straighten teeth without braces

Can You Straighten Teeth without Braces? As the conventional method for straightening teeth with braces has always been the traditional way to fix crooked and uneven smiles, little is known of other, faster cosmetic procedures that have the exact same power. Patients exhibiting bite issues, misaligned teeth, large gaps or overcrowded teeth in the past … Read more

Veneers vs Braces

Veneers vs braces

What’s better: Veneers or braces? One of the most common questions our expert orthodontists and cosmetic dentists receive is “which is better – veneers or braces?” A difficult question to answer simply, it entirely relies on your unique orthodontic condition and the amount of time you are willing to commit to a procedure. Both procedures … Read more

7 Things People Want From Their Orthodontist London

A person’s smile is a very important asset and it influences almost every aspect of life from how you feel about yourself to how others feel about you and hence how you interact and communicate with each other. It is almost the catalyst to a chain reaction on how you live your life. Smiling has … Read more

Straight Facts About Straightening Teeth — The Science Behind Orthodontics

Straight facts about straightening teeth

What is orthodontics? Orthodontics is a sub-speciality of dentistry devoted to realigning crooked teeth to improve the appearance and the treatment of improper bites (malocclusions). What causes improper bites? Malocclusions result from irregularities in the positioning of teeth, disproportionate jaw relationships, or both. Why have orthodontic treatment? Orthodontic treatment is carried out primarily to improve the … Read more

Invisible Braces Help Improve Confidence

Crooked teeth are a common problem for many Britons, yet some refuse to wear braces because they feel embarrassed about the way they look, doing nothing to help the problem. However, cosmetic braces are a solution for everybody of all ages. Click here. Over the past few years, as orthodontic technology progresses, more advanced options … Read more

You can have the perfect look with drill free dentistry

According to a recent YouGov survey 45% of adults in the UK are unhappy with their smile, 56% would consider treatment to improve their smile, and a quarter make a direct link between their teeth and self-esteem. These days people are not looking for suspiciously perfect teeth like gleaming white Hollywood nashers but something that … Read more

A New Dimension In Teeth Straightening

It is quite reassuring to know that these days the orthodontic treatments to teeth straightening are not as bad as they once were. It is almost fashionable to have braces as a teenager nowadays with groovy colours in the bands and tooth coloured treatments. Click here. Teeth straightening options have galloped ahead to a greater … Read more