You can have the perfect look with drill free dentistry

According to a recent YouGov survey 45% of adults in the UK are unhappy with their smile, 56% would consider treatment to improve their smile, and a quarter make a direct link between their teeth and self-esteem.

These days people are not looking for suspiciously perfect teeth like gleaming white Hollywood nashers but something that is more appropriate and makes us feel good about ourselves.

Views on what constitutes a “perfect smile” have also evolved over the years.

“An ideal smile is something that should feel and look very natural and it should highlight and enhance the facial aspect rather than stick out. The smile is perfectly proportioned, balanced, works in harmony with the face and is built on a healthy foundation,” says Dr. David Bloom.

Does the dentist’s drill keep you from having the type of dentistry you want and need? Do you feel that the perfect smile for you is impossible? And is any hope for overcoming your fear diminishing in your mind?

Well, The Perfect Smile Studios has the solution for you:

Drill free dentistryBefore & After having cosmetic dentistry at Perfect Smile Studios

One of the key aspects of cosmetic dentistry that people do not like is the use of the dentist’s drill.

It’s often not only the noise but also the anticipation of pain and the buzzing sound and feeling it has on your tooth.

If you’re an anxious patient, we can help you. How?

This has limited the possibilities for a large number of patients and has prevented them from achieving the kind of dentistry they want and have secretly wished for.

London’s leading cosmetic dentists

Dental innovations and research into dental techniques have produced a number of viable solutions for replacing and limiting the use of the dentist’s drill.

Since, your dentists in surrounding areas of London, Hertfordshire & Essex at The Perfect Smile Studios likes to remain cutting edge and at the forefront of modern dentistry, we have a number of options that can be suitable for you. Find out more.

Options for Drill-Free Dentistry at The Perfect Smile Studios include:

  • Use of soft and hard tissue lasers

We have a wide and comprehensive range of laser technology that can assist with dentistry with treatments such as simple teeth whitening, cosmetic gum contouring, removing infected gum tissue, removing dental decay and a whole host of other solutions.

No injections are required with many of the laser treatments. Click here.

  • Veneers and smile makeovers

This is a technique preferred by Dr. Bloom where he created beautiful smiles that suit you without drilling your tooth structure.

He simply re-designs your smile and then uses artistic creativity and a large range of superior veneer types to produce a stunning final result. See more information.

Ultrathin Veneers  is a treatment option that not involve cutting your teeth down beforehand.

Instant Immediate Veneers are same day veneers that improve your smile instantly and with minimal preparation.

  • Fast adult orthodontic treatment with invisible braces

There are now a large range of orthodontic treatments with invisible braces that produce lovely smiles and teeth that are quick and inconspicuous. Check them out.

This means you can have treatment done without wearing the obvious metal train track type wires or with coloured braces as a quick teeth straightening system for adults

Alternatively Invisalign can straighten teeth with  “invisible braces” i.e. clear plates on your teeth.

These modern techniques are fast becoming a popular treatment

  • Combination treatments with Teeth Whitening systems which have evolved for efficiency and great results or with Micro-aesthetics These are techniques that simply improve the smile you have without too much invasive work.

Dr. Bloom likes to understand your mouths fully and then produces a customised treatment plan that will work for you. He often uses multiple techniques and combines treatments to produce the best possible outcome for you. Learn more.

We advise that you come for a complimentary consultation so that we can discuss your needs and then provide you with suitable options. Book today.

We would love the opportunity to talk to you and help you with your dental anxieties and concerns. Call us on 01992 552115.

Continue Reading: Drill free dentistry because of laser innovations

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The dental drill has been a vital tool for dentists in their mission to restore health and function to decayed or damaged teeth.

It has also earned a reputation as one of the more frightening aspects of dentistry — the sound and sensations it produces can make even the bravest of patients nervous.

But the development and growing use of lasers by dentists for many dental procedures are reducing the use of this traditional dental tool.


A common phrase uttered by many new patients we talk to is “I’d love to have nice looking white teeth!”

Beautiful looking teeth seem to be like an unattainable dream.

Well, we have the pleasure in telling you that we can turn this dream into a reality – simply, effectively and painlessly.

Beautiful stunning smiles are now no longer for the rich and famous only.