How can London’s leading dentists help?

Many people believe that mouthwashes, flossing, and toothpaste will literally ‘wash away their dental problems”. Unfortunately, they don’t. They cannot fix problems that are much deeper. Mouthwashes simply help and assist to maintain oral health. They are auxiliary aids taking your cleaning to a higher level but in order for it to be most effective … Read more

Calls For More Guidance About Dental Implants

The government is planning to make the public more aware of the risks of rushing into dental implant surgery, according to an article on Discover our success. With an increasing amount of people opting for the treatment – which involves a titanium screw being inserted into the jaw – there has also been a … Read more

Government-Backed Study Supports Water Fluoridation

Water Fluoridation Protects Against Decay A new report released by Public Health England (PHE) has supported water fluoridation as a means to reduce rates of tooth decay and improve children’s dental health. The report highlights the fact that tooth decay, or dental caries, is found less common among children living in communities implementing water fluoridation … Read more

Dental Implants Safe For Elderly Patients

There is a wide-spread misconception that dental implants are not a suitable option for elderly patients, as with age our bone density deteriorates – this can lead loose or uncomfortable implants and even infections. As with any procedure, there may be complications. More information. While there was ground for such concerns in previous years, when … Read more

Reduce Intake Of Sugar When Young

Excessive Sugar Consumption Can Cause Dental and Health Problems Consuming too much sugar has long been associated with a wide range of diseases, from type 2 diabetes to tooth decay. Have a look at our hidden sugars list to see how sugar is creeping in to your diet. Experts have been warning that sugar intake … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Dental Implants – Book Today

Dental Implants are popular as ever with patients and are showing no signs of regressing as more people become aware of its many benefits. It is also a treatment solution that remains popular with the dental profession too. How long will your implant last? Find out here. This is because of the many scientific advances … Read more