Teach Children To Care For Their Teeth For Long-Term Benefits

Taking proper care of baby teeth is essential

Replace Missing Teeth with Perfect SmileMany parents believe that failing to properly look after their children’s teeth is not that important since baby teeth will eventually fall out, making way for healthy, permanent teeth. However dentists have warned that taking poor care of baby teeth may have a long-term effect on permanent teeth as well.

Tooth decay is extremely common among young children and a surprisingly large proportion of them develop dental cavities even before they start school. The number of fillings in children is rapidly increasing. Yet, dental cavities are entirely preventable, experts state.

The key for parents is to instill the habit of brushing and flossing in their children, dentists claim. If you teach children that good dental care matters, they will learn to properly look after their teeth for life.

Most experts recommend that parents help with brushing until the child is between seven and nine years old, depending on how well they can manage on their own. Children younger than seven rarely brush properly and if they are left alone they are unlikely to clean their teeth effectively. Teach children to care for their teeth for long-term benefits.

Pay Attention to Diet

Another important factor for healthy teeth is to teach children which foods are bad for their health and help them establish good eating habits. Parents should make sure they have healthy, low sugar alternatives to treats, so when children feel like snacking they should be provided with suitable food.

Last but not least, parents should teach children not to fear dentists. They should be taken for regular check-ups for early intervention, if necessary, which will spare them pain and discomfort in the future, specialists advise.

Read some more tips on how to care for your infant’s teeth.

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