What’s More Scary, Dentistry or Spiders?

The latest research conducted by the British Dental Health Foundation suggests that visiting the dentist makes people more nervous than snakes or spiders. The Foundation asked 1,004 people what made them most nervous from a list including heights, flying, injections, doctors, snakes, spiders, going to the hospital and visiting the dentist. Over one in five … Read more

Mix and Match Dentistry Treatments to Get Your Perfect Smile

What if you could mix and match your dentistry? Do you think you could get your ideal smile? Can having natural looking, whiter and straighter teeth be your perfect solution to a great smile? Due to celebrity promotion and the media push many people are now aware of the most popular treatments such as full … Read more

Has Miley Cyrus had her teeth done?

Once again we embark on our journey assessing celebrity smiles. Celebrities actually have a great influence on everyday lives with wannabe’s copycatting some or all aspects of their style. And people actually look to these celebs for “what’s new?” When it comes to their most noticeable feature – their smiles – they seem to have … Read more

The Future of Cosmetic Dentistry at the National Young Dentist Foundation

Perfect Smile Studios are proud to be speaking at the National Young Dentist Foundation The National Young Dentist Foundation is an organisation that represents the needs and requirements of young dentists who are newly placed on the path of a career in dentistry. It aims to provide clarity and direction with high quality and innovative … Read more

How ageing skin compares to ageing teeth?

One aspect of aesthetics is great looking skin. The health and beauty industry has an immense following of people trying almost anything to get their perfect look. Looking at it from a dentists point of view, skin care and dental care have a lot in common. How does youthful skin compare to your perfect smile? … Read more

Get to Know Your Leading Dentist

Find out what your dentist really thinks about that perfect smile Get to know the real in’s and out’s of dentistry in this fantastic revealing interview with Dr. Rahul Doshi of The Perfect Smile Studios. Dr Rahul Doshi was a celebrity cosmetic dentist whose work were regularly featured in the national media, including Extreme Makeover … Read more

No Drill, No Needle Ultrathin Veneers

ultrathin veneers

Natural-looking, ULTRA-thin Dental Veneers A common phrase uttered by many new patients we talk to is “I’d love to have nice looking white teeth!” The Perfect Smile Studios can make this happen. By using simple, yet effective techniques paired with the latest and most innovative technology, we can make your wish come true without the … Read more

Leading dentist talks anti-aging

Dr. David Bloom shares his ideas on how dentistry is taking the centre stage in anti-aging processes. He believes that new and wonderful innovations in dentistry can not only help people achieve the perfect smile but also contribute towards warding off the aging process. He looks at some of the techniques he uses every day … Read more

Is Dad’s Dental Phobia Impacting His Kids?

A new study conducted by the University of Madrid has highlighted the fact that adults may be unconsciously transmitting their dentist fear to their family. Fear of visiting the dentist is very common in children and numerous studies have already identified the role parents have played in exacerbating this primal fear.  The study has identified the … Read more