Concern About Dental Implants For People On Anti-Depressants

New research suggests that people who take anti-depressants are twice as likely to experience problems with dental implants as those who don’t, an article on News Medical reports. Find out more.

According to researchers at the McGill University in Montreal, the most commonly taken anti-depressants – known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), including Celexa and Prozac – can have a significantly negative effect on dental implants.

What effect’s dental implants?

Professor Faleh Tamimi, a lecturer at McGill’s School of Dentistry and lead author of the study, described the pre-existing link between anti-depressants and an increased risk of bone fracture and reduced bone formation.

This information made them curious to see how the medication might affect dental implants, he explains – and the results were clear. Latest information on dental implants.

“We were surprised to discover that the negative effect of SSRIs on dental implants was so strong, almost equal to that of smoking, a well-established hazard for oral health,” he stated.

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What has the study revealed?

implant 1

The study analysed records of dental implants carried out in New Brunswick between 2007 and 2013.

Once the implant had been put in place, follow-up consultations took place between three and 67 months afterward to assess whether or not the treatment had been successful. See: Before & after photos.

As is often the case, there are some key limitations of this study. Because it did not look at incoming patients – rather data collected after the implants had been done – “it is impossible right now to determine the kind of SSRI dosage that could have this effect,” says Tamimi.

Research for the future

“But what this study tells us is both that further work needs to be done in the field, and that whether they are planning to have dental implants or hip or knee prostheses, SSRI users should consult their physicians and plan carefully to ensure that the surgical treatment is successful,” he advises. Read more about the process.

Advantages of implant dentistry:

  • A final natural look to replace missing teeth
  • Quality materials allow bonding of the bone to the implant
  • Comprehensive assessment is completed before deciding type of implant needed

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Dental implants are treatments that are applicable to situations where there are missing teeth. They were originally conceived to replace teeth that had been lost due to decay, infection or damage.

Their main purpose was to restore the chewing ability of the patient and the proper functioning of the teeth.

Dental Implants also prevent the other neighbouring and opposing teeth from tilting and moving over time into the space left by the original tooth. However, over the years