Strong Coffee Found To Kill Plaque-Forming Bacteria

Coffee is beneficial to Oral Health

Coffee served very strong and black could in fact be beneficial to the overall health of teeth and gums, according to new research. Brazilian researchers have established that strong, black coffee possesses the impressive ability to kill plaque-forming bacteria, the team from the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro found.

Before and After Professional Whitening with Perfect SmileThe report, which has been published in the journal Letters in Applied Microbiology, explains that the researchers used extracts of coffea canephora. The latter is the coffee bean commonly known as Robusta and is indigenous to Brazil and Vietnam.

The experiment involved applying dental biofilms to milk teeth and then exposing the tooth fragments to the coffee bean extract. The researchers found that the extract destroyed the plaque-forming bacteria; this was attributed to the polyphenols found in the beans, the research concluded.

While the results are very interesting and shed new light on coffee consumption, it does not mean that coffee drinking in general will help clean teeth and keep them plaque-free. Professor Andrea Antonio, a lead researcher on the project, noted that excessive coffee consumption remains associated with certain dental problems, among them tooth staining and enamel erosion as a result of the acidity of the drink.

Moreover, people who like their coffee with generous helpings of milk and sugar will not see any of the positive effects established through this study, Antonio added.

According to the Society for Applied Microbiology, these positive effects could be achieved with substances other than coffee.

It may be possible to include the beneficial chemicals in both toothpaste and mouthwash.

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