Mix and Match Dentistry Treatments to Get Your Perfect Smile

What if you could mix and match your dentistry? Do you think you could get your ideal smile? Can having natural looking, whiter and straighter teeth be your perfect solution to a great smile? Due to celebrity promotion and the media push many people are now aware of the most popular treatments such as full … Read more

Lasers: An Emerging Alternative for the Dental Drill

The dental drill has been a vital tool for dentists in their mission to restore health and function to decayed or damaged teeth. It has also earned a reputation as one of the more frightening aspects of dentistry — the sound and sensations it produces can make even the bravest of patients nervous. But the … Read more

Orthodontic braces showing great promise in visionary dentistry

Teeth straightening systems have been around for some time now, however many adults have been put off by the thought of having to wear metal train-track types orthodontic braces for a few years. Well now the answer to your dreams has arrived…six month smiles teeth straightening system is taking the UK forward. This is a … Read more

Has Miley Cyrus had her teeth done?

Once again we embark on our journey assessing celebrity smiles. Celebrities actually have a great influence on everyday lives with wannabe’s copycatting some or all aspects of their style. And people actually look to these celebs for “what’s new?” When it comes to their most noticeable feature – their smiles – they seem to have … Read more

The Future of Cosmetic Dentistry at the National Young Dentist Foundation

Perfect Smile Studios are proud to be speaking at the National Young Dentist Foundation The National Young Dentist Foundation is an organisation that represents the needs and requirements of young dentists who are newly placed on the path of a career in dentistry. It aims to provide clarity and direction with high quality and innovative … Read more