How Important is success to a dentist

Today our delegate dentists and their teams on our Advanced Training Course will be fitting the final smiles on all the patients. I know it’s going to be an emotional day. It usually is because this is the day these patients are finally going to get the smile they have always wanted but have delayed getting until now. The transformations and uplift to their self-esteem and spirits is going to be high. We have seen this only too many times – happy tears, emotional quiet and beautiful stunning natural looking smiles. This is going to be a good day…

However, it has got me thinking. Whilst our artistic ceramists have been working hard together with the dentists in the laboratories creating these beautiful teeth, our patients have been wearing what some would like to call “temporaries” covering their teeth. This is quite normal whenever smile makeovers or dentistry smiles designs are being considered and done.

However, in our opinion, the temporary phase are not just temporaries. They are proto-type veneers. Therefore we like to call them the TRIAL SMILE. Why?

It is because we believe the only way of getting the smile of your dreams is by being able to ‘test-drive’ it beforehand, just like you would be able to try on a dress or suit. Hence our Trial Smiles are lot more than simply temporaries for Smile Makeovers. Dr. Rahul Doshi spends a huge amount of time and skill on creating a near finish result with the temporaries. In fact, when he has finished with the patient it is hard to distinguish the final result from the trial smile!

There are 2 main reasons why so much effort needs to be placed into something that is only going to stay on for a couple of weeks:

1. Patient Advantage. The patient gets to see what the final results will look like and hence is able to participate into giving an opinion and have their view heard BEFORE the fitting of the final teeth. So you can comment on almost anything – your speech, the length, the colour, the shape, how you eat – almost anything. When you then give your feedback back to Dr. Doshi, he will be able to understand further how you perceive the Perfect Smile and he can take the necessary steps to making that come true.

2. Dentist Advantage. The second most important reason why the trial smile is so important is because it gives invaluable information to Dr. Doshi about how your smile will function. He wants to make sure you are comfortable and that your teeth are working in harmony with the rest of the mouth. If the trial smile only looks like temporaries and not the final result then how are you or the dentist going to know that the final teeth will work like they should?

For this reason in our practice the Trial Smile is as important as all the other steps of creating that stunning smile. This is the key to our success and to the success of your smile.

Today we will be seeing the trial smiles coming off and even better new smiles being put on. Its going to be a great day and I can’t describe to you the feeling we have as a dental team when we see that reaction from our patients. It is amazing and it makes us proud to be part of making the world better for even a handful of people.

Without a trial smile it difficult to predict the success and the acceptance of the final smile, especially when with social media and celebrity smiles the demand for perfection can be precise with finest of nuances. Without seeing this, there is a chance that the final smile may not be as that dreamed. Our mission is to change lives and exceed expectations, and the trail preview allows us to exceed expectations and create a family of happy patients who love their smile. The satisfaction by a clinician delivering the dream smile I unparalleled and can be extremely emotional.

Today it all comes together. I think I’ll get the hankies out in advance!

If you are interested in any aspects of this information and would like to chat to us about how we may help you, please call our studios on 01992 552115 for a free consultation. We are looking forward to helping more people achieve their dream perfect smile.

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