Five Things To Prevent Embarrassing Teeth And Breath

Dental Makeover from Perfect Smile 2017You have an impeccable daily cleaning routine, but still you notice people shying away from you mid-conversation. Since your morning brush, rinse and floss, you may have unknowingly consumed the perfect concoction of food and drink that can lead to bad breath.

Avoid Bad Breath With Our Five Top Tips

Yahoo Health spoke to Dr Nicholas Toscano, dentist to the celebrities, has put together a list of food and drink to avoid to put an end to the social faux pas.

  1. Deep-coloured liquids. “Something that colour can’t be good for me, can it?” Probably not – especially for your teeth. Coffee, tea, red wine, and cola are the obvious culprits here. They make light work of your enamel causing stains and sink firmly into the dentin of your teeth – the innermost layer – which is why they can be so hard to shift. Those liquids – especially coffee – can also sour your breath.
  2. Onion and garlic may make lunch seem more appetising, but be prepared for a quiet afternoon. The chemical propenyl sulfenic acid is released upon being cut and it smells as nice as you can imagine.
  3. Seeds that like to linger. There’s nothing quite like glancing up in the toilet mirror after a long meeting to discover a seed or a bit of seasoning has been watching in on it the whole time, too.
  4. Horseradish has its name for a reason. The sauce is fervently flavoured from isothiocyanate, a chemical which – due to its rancid scent – is a natural guard against animals.
  5. Red meat can be stubborn. Red meat often likes to outstay its welcome; it has a tendency to lodge in the tight crevices of your mouth, whilst hanging around on your breath, too.

Should you brush your teeth before or after eating? Read our answer here.

See how mouthwash can help with bad breath and keep your teeth healthy.


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Many studies show that bad breath, also known as halitosis, is the third most frequent reason for visits to the dentist — only behind cavities and gum disease.

Understanding the causes and treatment of halitosis is the first step toward avoiding the embarrassment that often accompanies bad breath. How many people suffer from bad breath? Researchers estimate that about 50% of middle-aged and older adults have intolerable breath odors.


Bad breath can be a very embarrassing problem and although it is rather obvious among others, it can hard to recognise in ourselves.

However, even if you do have it, it is not very common for your friends or relatives to let you know you do, as they are afraid they might hurt your feelings.