Tips For Preventing Enamel Erosion

If people manage to maintain the strength of their tooth enamel, they will be able to prevent many dental problems.

Despite the fact that dental enamel is the strongest substance in the human organism, and even though it can withstand great amounts of external pressure, enamel is exposed to many erosive influences.

Enamel Shaping by Perfect Smile 2017

In order to protect their dental enamel, people are advised to follow a few simple steps:

  • Be careful with the amount of fruit and soft drinks consumed. These beverages contain a high concentration level of acids that have a very strong erosive effect. Brushing teeth immediately after having such drinks, despite popular belief, is not a good idea because this will only spread the acids and lead to greater damage to the teeth. Instead, people should wait for about 30 minutes before brushing.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after every meal. This can remove food particles that have remained in the mouth and can damage the tooth enamel. Saliva is the best natural protection against enamel erosion, so people should make sure they help saliva production by drinking plenty of water or chewing sugar-free gums.
  • Sometimes tooth enamel can be worn down by mechanical factors like teeth grinding or brushing the teeth with excessive force. This is why dentists recommend using a soft brush and sleeping with teeth protectors on to prevent friction.


Download – Top Tips to prevent Erosion


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