What is the maintenance that is required?

What is the Maintenance That is Required?

Correct maintenance and aftercare will reduce any side-effects and any complications.

TPS cosmetic offer

Cosmetic Maintenance

The life of any dental work is dependent on controlling three aspects: decay, gum disease and bit issues. Decay is controlled by diet, gum disease by oral hygiene and bite issues need to be caught in advance.

Thus the maintenance of any cosmetic dentistry requires brushing your teeth twice a day, the use of floss once a day and care to minimise the frequency of sugar consumption to mealtimes and avoid snacking.

We recommend that you have regular hygiene treatment at least every six months in the Hertfordshire clinic. For those patients who have had gum disease prior to starting the treatment, hygiene treatment is recommended every 3 months.

We also recommend, at a minimum, an annual examination to check the veneers and reassess your bite. Your bite may change with time due to the movement of teeth, and this may create an issue with the bite. We also want to ensure that your diet is correct and look for any signs of early decay.

Specific Care

For veneers

We recommend the use of mouth guards if you have had dental veneer treatment.

For braces

We recommend the use of permanent lifelong retainers bonded to the inside surface of the teeth.

Pay Monthly With 0%

Pay monthly with 0% interest for amazing, discreet dental solutions that realign your smile. Our recommended cosmetic treatments have left thousands of patients feeling better and more confident about their appearance and how their smile functions.

Smile Design

Assess Your Smile

Take part in our quiz to find out how happy you really are with your smile. Answer a few simple questions and you can begin your journey on possibly having veneers.

Whiter Brighter Teeth

Veneers are thin, ceramic shells designed to give you a natural smile. Ultrathin, Durathin and Lumineers are just a few of the brands we provide. Normally achieved in two appointments.

Composite/Immediate Veneers

Composite veneers cost less than other veneers and require little or no tooth preparation at all. Have your veneers fitted in as little as one appointment.

Before & After Gallery

See what our patients look like before and after veneers so you can gain a better idea of how they’re going to look and work for you.

Free Consulations

Contact us for any questions, requests and further information; or to arrange a FREE Initial Consultation.
Our free no obligation Initial Consultation will be with our dentist and/or our Treatment Coordinators. The suitability of options discussed will ultimately be dependent upon your clinical assessment with a dentist at the practice.
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    Our Experience

    Over 7,500 dental implants and over 2,200 bone grafts

    Major UK Credentials

    The Perfect Smile Studio and Institute
    Dentistry Private Award
    PPD Premium Practice Dentistry
    Invisalign Platinum Provider
    UltraThin Veneers




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