The Treatment Fee for Veneers Depends on the Following:
- Whether you need hygiene treatment (fee from £60 for 30 minute appointment)
- Whether you want home whitening on one or both arches of your other teeth in addition (fee varies from £260 for single arch to £360 for both arches)
- What type of bite records you need (fee from £210)
- What type of veneer is chosen (fee for composite veneer is from £650, and porcelain veneer from £975)
- Whether you need laser treatment to create an even gum line (fee from £350)
For further understanding of the treatment you may require, please Assess Your Smile .
Pay Monthly With 0%
Pay monthly with 0% interest for amazing, discreet dental solutions that realign your smile. Our recommended cosmetic treatments have left thousands of patients feeling better and more confident about their appearance and how their smile functions.
Smile Design
Assess Your Smile
Take part in our quiz to find out how happy you really are with your smile. Answer a few simple questions and you can begin your journey on possibly having veneers.
Whiter Brighter Teeth
Veneers are thin, ceramic shells designed to give you a natural smile. Ultrathin, Durathin and Lumineers are just a few of the brands we provide. Normally achieved in two appointments.
Immediate Veneers
Composite veneers cost less than other veneers and require little or no tooth preparation at all. Have your veneers fitted in as little as one appointment.
Before & After Gallery
See what our patients look like before and after veneers so you can gain a better idea of how they’re going to look and work for you.
Free Consulations
Our Experience
Over 7,500 dental implants and over 2,200 bone grafts