Occasionally too much gum showing when you smile or an uneven gum line where the gum meets the teeth can cause disharmony in your smile.
Gum Sculpting, Contouring & Gummy Smile Correction
There are simple treatments available that can eliminate these problems in a quick and efficient way of restoring your natural smile.
During the clinical exam there are core questions that need to be answered by assessing the face:
- Upper and Lower Face height ratio (ideal is 1:1)
- Lip length ( should be 20 -24mm) and lip mobility from rest to full smile (should be 6-8mm)
- Gum (Gingival) outline should be straight
- Tooth length
- Cemento – enamel junction detected by the probe
Problems & Solutions
1. Upper lip issues
- Short upper lip – treatment options include patient education, Botox and fillers ( to makes lip longer)
- Mobile/ hyperactive – treatment options include patient education, Botox on elevator muscles or Plastic Surgery
- Hypoactive lip – treatment options include patient education to exercise, Botox at depressors muscle
- Asymmetric smiles – treatment is Botox
2. Short Clinical Crown
- Normal variation
- Tooth Wear
- Altered passive eruption (apical gum migration where cement- enamel junction cannot be felt with a probe)
The treatment options for the above include crown lengthening
3. Dento-alveolar Extrusion (Over erupted teeth) where there is concave gum outline
- Unopposed teeth
- Super eruption secondary to wear
- Canted outline due to gums and teeth developmental issues or unilateral wear due to TMJ asymmetry
The treatment options for the above include
- crown lengthening
- orthodontic intrusion
- increase the occlusal vertical dimension.
With orthodontic intrusion – this takes 6-12 months and relapse can be high or having retainers after treatment is important
4. Vertical Maxillary Excess – i.e. excess length of maxilla – Where the lower 1/3 facial height is less than mid facial 1/3
This often comes with multiple problems eg short or hypermobile lip, and altered passive eruption thus there are multiple treatment options which include Orthognathic surgery, Botox, Crown lengthening Or a Combination of above
See also: Overbite and Overjet | Crooked Teeth | Discoloured Teeth
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Treatment Options for Gum Recession, Gummy Smiles and Uneven Gumline
Gum Reshaping
Uneven gums or too much gum showing when speaking or smiling (gummy smile) can affect your smile and look unsightly. This can affect your confidence and be embarrassing at times. If this affects you there are options available to you that can reduce or eliminate this problem.More.
Gum Plastic Surgery
Exposed tooth roots are the result of gum recession. You can enhance your smile by covering one or more of these roots that make your teeth appear too long by “gum” plastic surgery. More.
Gum Veneers
Gum Veneers are a predictable, inexpensive, non-invasive, effective and aesthetically pleasing way of replacing lost tissue.They are used to cover unsightly gaps between teeth that have been subject to gingival and periodontal disease. More.
Gum Whitening
Gum depigmentation – otherwise known as gum bleaching or gum whitening – is a procedure to remove patches or black spots on the gum that have appeared due to excessive melanin. More.

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