fixed braces
A fixed brace can be used to straighten crooked teeth and is attached to your teeth. If you are interested in having a fixed brace you may have some questions.
How much does a fixed brace cost?
The price of a fixed brace like Cfast will vary depending on the duration of your treatment. Click here for a price list.
Will it be painful?
It is likely to be sore for about 3 – 5 days each time the brace is adjusted. If necessary, painkillers such as the ones you would normally take for a headache may help (please read the instructions on the packet). If the brace rubs your lips or cheeks, you will be able to purchase some products to help with this.
Can I remove the brace?
The orthodontic brace you would be wearing is fixed to the teeth for the whole of your treatment. You should not try to remove it, as you may damage your teeth and the treatment will not work.
Can I eat normally?
Yes you should be able to eat normally. However, for your orthodontic treatment to work well and in the shortest possible time it is important you take care of your teeth and brace. In order to prevent damage to both, you should:
Avoid eating toffees, boiled sweets, sugared chewing gum, chocolate bars etc.
Avoid drinking fizzy drinks (including diet drinks) and excessive amounts of fruit juice.
Take care when eating crunchy apples, crusty bread, etc. which might damage the brace. Cut them up first.
What about tooth brushing?
It is important you brush your teeth thoroughly three times per day and use fluoride toothpaste. If possible carry a brush with you for use after lunch. Pay particular attention to brushing where the gums meet the teeth. Brushing may take a little longer when you have a fixed brace. Plaque disclosing tablets are available to indicate areas which require more attention. A daily fluoride mouth rinse should also be used the last thing at night, after tooth brushing, to further protect the teeth.
Failure to keep your teeth and brace clean could lead to permanent scarring of your teeth as shown in the previous picture.
How long will treatment take?
It usually takes 18 – 24 months but will vary depending on your case’s severity. Failed and cancelled appointments or repeated breakages of the brace will add to the overall treatment time.
Will i need to wear anything in addition to the fixed brace?
It may sometimes be necessary for you at some stage during the treatment, to wear headgear and/or elastics. Headgear is usually worn in the evenings and at night. Elastics are worn inside the mouth all the time, including mealtimes.
Will i need to wear another brace once my treatment has finished?
Once the active phase of your treatment is finished, it will be necessary to wear a retaining brace (retainer). This may be removable or it may be fixed behind your front teeth. The length of time this has to be worn can vary. Generally, though, some type of retainer has to be worn for life; we have several clinics across central London for your convenience.
More on Fixed Braces
How often will i need an appointment?
You will need regular appointments during the active phase of treatment for the brace to be adjusted, usually every 4-6 weeks.
Do I still need to see my regular dentist?
Yes. It will be important you still have checkups with your regular dentist throughout orthodontic treatment so that your teeth can be checked for decay, and kept free of plaque between visits.
What do i do if i play contact sports?
It is recommended you wear a gum shield. This will also be the case if you enjoy riding a bicycle, roller-skating, or skateboarding. You will be advised about this. These can be purchased here if required.
What if i play a musical instrument?
If you play a wind instrument, particularly the flute or a brass instrument, then a fixed brace may make it more difficult. You will need to discuss this with your music teacher.
What do i do if my brace breaks?
Ring up for an appointment as soon as is reasonably possible. Do not wait for your next routine appointment as the breakage may slow your treatment, or may result in damage to your teeth. If you repeatedly break your brace, treatment may be discontinued.
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removable appliances
This can be taken out and may involve a series of braces. If you choose to wear a removable brace you may have some questions you would like answered.
How much does a removable brace cost?
The price of removable braces like Invisalign depends on a few factors like how long your treatment will last. Click here for more information on costs.
will it be painful?
It is likely to be sore for about 3-5 days each time the brace is adjusted. If necessary, painkillers such as the ones you would normally take for a headache may help (please read the instructions on the packet). If there is an obvious area of soreness as a result of the brace, ring for an appointment as soon as possible.
If possible, do not stop wearing the brace as this will mean you will have to go through the 3-5 days of discomfort all over again when you have it re-fitted.
How else might it affect me?
Your speech will be different. Practice speaking with the brace in place e.g. read out aloud at home on your own, and in this way, your speech will return to normal within a couple of days. You may also find yourself swallowing a lot, to begin with. This is quite normal and will quickly pass.
Can I eat normally?
Yes, you should be able to eat normally. It is important you keep the brace in whilst eating unless you are otherwise instructed. Although it may be difficult initially, eating with the brace in place will become easier with time. After each meal removes the brace and rinse it thoroughly.
For your orthodontic treatment to work well and in the shortest possible time, it is important you take care of your teeth and brace. In order to avoid damage to both, you should try to avoid the following:
Toffees, boiled sweets, sugared chewing gum, chocolate bars, etc…
Fizzy drinks, including diet drinks, excessive amounts of fruit juice
Hard foods which might damage the brace, such as crunchy apples, crusty bread rolls, etc…
Hard foods can be eaten with care if you cut them up first.
More on removable braces
What about toothbrushing?
It is important you brush well three times per day and use fluoride toothpaste. If possible, carry a brush with you for use after lunch. Take the brace out to clean your teeth. You should also gently brush the brace, but must not use toothpaste on it, as this will cause damage. Special cleaning tablets are available to soak your brace in.
A daily fluoride mouth rinse should be used the last thing at night, after tooth brushing.
Can I remove the brace?
Yes, but you should only remove it for cleaning. Do not repeatedly click the brace in and out with your tongue as this will break the wires and increase the length of time the treatment will take.
How long will treatment take?
It usually takes 6 – 24 months but will vary depending on your case’s severity. Failed and cancelled appointments or repeated breakages of the brace will increase the length of time the treatment will take.
How often will I need an appointment?
You will need regular appointments during treatment for the brace to be adjusted.
do i still need to see my regular dentist?
Yes. It will be important you still have checkups with your regular dentist throughout orthodontic treatment so that your teeth can be checked for decay.
What do I do contact sports?
You should wear a gum shield instead of your removable appliance when you play contact sports. This will also be the case if you enjoy riding a bicycle, roller-skating or skateboarding. You will be advised about this. When not in your mouth the brace should be in a protective box.
how do you plan and design my treatment ?
The process starts with a FREE discovery consultation where we discuss your needs and requirements with a Computerised Photographic Assessment to help you understand the possibilities.
We are, at this stage, able to assist you with potential options. Depending on your requirements, we can customize, and tailor-make individual treatments plan to suit your needs and budgets.
You can opt for simple procedures and more complex treatment plans to produce your beautiful new smile. We aim to answer your questions and provide you with the advantages and disadvantages.
We can also provide you with a computer-aided smile analysis and a handcrafted Trial Preview to allow you to see your smile before we even touch your teeth. We also use Bite Analysis technology to ensure a long-lasting, comfortable and healthy final result.
Invisalign braces
Invisalign is the world’s first clear aligner and has changed the way people straighten their teeth. Have the smile you deserve. Find out more
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Six Month Smiles allows you to have the best smile in 4-6 months. This orthodontic treatment can be combined with treatments. Click Here
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