Before & After: Olayinka M.

Mixing Implant & Veneer Treatments (Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry)
The patient was experiencing severe problems with his oral health and hygiene having lost two incisor teeth either side on his upper jaw.
Missing teeth is a serious dental problem that should not be left ignored. This is because the formation of gum disease can spread and cause surrounding teeth to fall out. On top of this, the surrounding teeth take on more pressure.
The patient in this instance required a full smile makeover, which involved titanium implants to be implanted and secured.
First, the four implants once implanted needed an adequate amount of time for the bone to fuse with the screw.
Once this period of osseointegration had finalised, the patient was then given the all-clear to proceed with other reconstructive work.
Porcelain veneers were then applied to cover the front two incisors and teeth whitening was used to complete the finished look. Learn more about veneers.
Within a few months, the patient left our clinic with a newly restored and fully functioning smile.