The Hollywood perfect smile

The hollywood perfect smile

It is very important to have healthy gums.

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Make an impact with the hollywood smile

Several Things that Define a Hollywood Smile How Is It Created? | How Can I Get It?

As seen on celebrities in America and increasingly in the UK, the Hollywood Smile is designed to get you noticed.

World famous actresses including Julia Roberts and Anne Hathaway are well known for their trademark Hollywood Smiles. The music industry is also full of celebs with amazing Hollywood smiles like Katy Perry and Rihanna. You can see amazing smiles all over TV with A-list stars like Cheryl Cole and Simon Cowell.

A person’s smile is one of the first things we see, so we often make judgements based on this. The Hollywood Smile is often associated with people who would like to appear more confident, extroverted and outgoing.

Click on these links to find out how a Hollywood smile differs from a Perfect Smile or even a Natural Smile

Hollywood smile defined

The Hollywood Smile is characterised by two symmetrical rows of straight white teeth, all uniform in size and shape.

Some characteristics of the Hollywood Smile include:

  • The colour of the teeth should be sparkling bright and white with no other characteristics such as spots or crack lines
  • The teeth have little or no texture
  • The teeth have minimal or no translucency on the incisal edge
  • Teeth should be symmetrical in size, shape and length
  • No gaps or crowding between the teeth
  • Symmetrical alignment of teeth
  • No sign of tooth wear
  • Following the golden proportion rule
  • The correct shape of the incisal edges and angles of teeth, ensuring the incisal embrasure are symmetrical
  • Gums should also be symmetrical, light pink in colour and follow the contour of the teeth
  • Oval teeth generally look best on women
  • Wider smiles are more attractive

Some people prefer to have an alignment of all teeth converging to the middle of the face by 5 degrees ( which is what is preferable for an ideal smile ) and some prefer to have a reduced angle, creating a teeth to appear more upright.

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Pay monthly with 0% interest for amazing, discreet dental solutions that realign your smile. Our recommended cosmetic treatments have left thousands of patients feeling better and more confident about their appearance and how their smile functions.

Front two teeth

Some celebrities prefer a smile that has straight incisal edges with very minimal embrasures; some prefer their front two teeth to appear slightly longer, and some prefer the front teeth to be slightly longer than the normal 3-4 mm visible when the lips are at repose.

This look can be elicited by getting the saying the “m” sound.

Creating a smile bespoke to your vision is vital and that is achieved during the initial consultations, where we seek to understand your preferences.

Relationship of the teeth to the lips

The lips form an important part of a smile as they are the surround and the framework of the smile. Often a Hollywood smile is associated with a “pouty” smile. The look can be achieved by increasing the teeth’ support for the upper lip.

Also, it is preferable to have the edges of the upper teeth touch the vermillion border of the lower lip. This can be previewed by speaking the “f” or “v” sounds.

The Perfect Smile Quiz will also give you a guide to the principles of smile design and also allow you to assess your smile.

Four reasons why patients transform their smile:

  • Look younger – a bright, white smile invigorates the whole face
  • Get noticed – no need to shy away from attention
  • Smile with pride – show new teeth more and smile more
  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem – with friends, family and colleagues


The treatments you need to achieve a show-stopping Hollywood Smile will depend on how your teeth look to begin with.

Sometimes, a patient may need only a few Simple Dental Procedures. In other cases, the patient will need a Complete Dental Makeover.

  1. Dental veneers. Unless your teeth are naturally uniform is shape and size, the best way to achieve the Hollywood smile is with veneers. This can be achieved in as little as a single visit with instant veneers or over a few visits using porcelain.
  2. Tooth enamel reshaping. If you are happy with the alignment of your teeth, some subtle reshaping can make your teeth the same length and appear symmetrical. We do this using a combination of gentle filing using advanced dentistry technology and bonding. This can be carried out in a single visit.
  3. Braces. If you teeth are severely misaligned or your bite needs correcting then orthodontic braces may be your best option.
  4. Teeth whitening. Teeth whitening treatments can also give you the celebrity look. We can lighten your teeth by up to 8 shades at the clinic using our specialist LED lamps, followed up with several weeks of home whitening.
  5. Gum contouring. If you have a lot of gum visible when you smile, or if the gums are asymmetrical, we can gently alter the contour using a dental laser. We can also treat discoloured gums to restore them to their natural light pink colour.
Often a Hollywood Smile is created using a combination of the above techniques.

Feel more attractive with a hollywood smile makeover

The Perfect Smile Studios can vastly improve the appearance of your smile with the help of the most advanced dental treatments currently available in modern dentistry today.

We use the latest digital smile design software to simulate your teeth after various treatments. This allows you and your dentist to discuss which treatments are going to get you the Hollywood Smile you want. Preview your smile on screen before your treatment even starts!

Smile Design

Assess Your Smile

Take part in our quiz to find out how happy you really are with your smile. Answer a few simple questions and you can begin your journey on possibly having veneers.

Whiter Brighter Teeth

Veneers are thin, ceramic shells designed to give you a natural smile. Ultrathin, Durathin and Lumineers are just a few of the brands we provide. Normally achieved in two appointments.

Immediate Veneers

Composite veneers cost less than other veneers and require little or no tooth preparation at all. Have your veneers fitted in as little as one appointment.

Before & After Gallery

See what our patients look like before and after veneers so you can gain a better idea of how they’re going to look and work for you.

Free Consulations

Contact us for any questions, requests and further information; or to arrange a FREE Initial Consultation.
Our free no obligation Initial Consultation will be with our dentist and/or our Treatment Coordinators. The suitability of options discussed will ultimately be dependent upon your clinical assessment with a dentist at the practice.
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