Narrow Smiles

Narrow Smile Correction Treatment

Our orthodontists and cosmetic dentists have fixed thousands of imperfect smiles.

TPS cosmetic offer

Solutions to broaden & perfect narrow smiles

A little smile, in particular, is defined by mouths that show six or fewer teeth when you smile.

If you have a little smile you’re unhappy with, don’t worry – several effective and minimally invasive dental treatments can help.

As every smile is different and unique, having a consultation with us will often be the best way to determine the best course of action to widen your smile and create a broader arch.

What causes little smiles?

  • Narrow arches tend to be caused by the width and alignment of the teeth.
  • When teeth are missing, this can also cause the smile to look narrow.
  • The consequences of a narrow smile often lead to the cheeks being unsupported and the thinning of lips, causing an aged appearance.

Also, the widest part of the smile appears darker, affecting the smile’s appearance – this also creates an illusion that the front teeth look too prominent or stick out. We call this a “narrow buccal corridor.”

Pay Monthly With 0%

Pay monthly with 0% interest for amazing, discreet dental solutions that realign your smile. Our recommended cosmetic treatments have left thousands of patients feeling better and more confident about their appearance and how their smile functions.

How to fix narrow smiles:

There are three successful treatments we can use to perfect narrow smiles – they are:

  1. Tried and tested orthodontic treatments using braces: Where our dentists use inconspicuous brackets and tooth-coloured wires to stretch the smile gently. Excellent results can be achieved, mainly if we apply tooth whitening agents.
  2. Invisalign: Depending on the severity of your little smile, Invisalign Go (shorter and faster treatment for minor fixes) or Invisalign Full (takes 12 months due to more severe bite problems being targeted) is likely to be recommended.
  3. Fast Veneers: These can extend the smile and give the illusion of a fuller look. This treatment can also edit the shape and colour of the teeth simultaneously, creating a complete and beautiful smile makeover.

Veneers are often the quickest and most aesthetic way to correct a narrow arch. However, prescribed treatments like Invisalign are now increasing in popularity.

Compare the two treatments by reading this article: Veneers vs Braces.

Comparing the cost

Invisalign will be the most affordable treatment, as porcelain veneers tend to be priced higher because they are instant, constructed from high-quality materials, positioned by the best cosmetic dentists and longer-lasting.

Prices for Invisalign begin from £1,500 compared to porcelain veneers, which will cost around the same per tooth.

See costs for:

Perhaps the place to begin is to make an appointment, see a dentist or treatment planner, and get an idea of the length and cost of treatments and how fast you can see results.

We can help. Call 01992 827118

Notable and credible dentists like Dr Gurs Sehmi have the skills to create a completely natural-looking smile using minimally invasive and pain-free procedures.

One of our most popular and recommended treatments for fixing little smiles is the cosmetic procedure; veneers. Veneers are often referred to as instant orthodontics because they can be applied instantly and give the impression of a straight smile.

Test Out and Try on Your New Smile

At the Perfect Smile, we help patients illustrate how their new wide smile will look – this allows patients to see impressive results that we can quickly achieve – this is often done through a ‘mock-up’, where composite material is placed and shaped on the back teeth affected.

This process can take from a few minutes to half an hour and is reversible as no drilling or local anaesthesia is required.

We can also take photographs of the narrow and wide smiles so the patient has a comparison they can refer to make an informed decision.

Narrow smiles vs broad smiles

Scientists studied the perfect smile and found that people without broad smiles tend to hide their teeth the most when smiling.

They showed that wider smiles are more attractive due to the correct balance of asymmetrical teeth.

A narrow smile can be easily corrected using various treatments that distribute the teeth more evenly in the mouth.

Treatments can involve creating a broader smile, combining the front teeth with the back teeth.

Thus creating a broader and friendlier-looking smile.

Popular corrective treatments include braces, which gently widen the teeth, or veneers to widen the smile by creating a new shape.

Better for your oral health

Regardless of the type of treatment you choose to fix your little smile, we must inform you of the compromised effects on your oral condition if you let this go ignored.

Future problems like gum and periodontal disease, bone loss in the jaw and eventual tooth loss may occur.

A detailed assessment and clinical evaluation can highlight if there are significant factors that can impact your overall smile.

We can then construct treatment plans highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of any prescribed treatment options.

Before & After Gallery

See what our patients look like before and after veneers so you can gain a better idea of how they’re going to look and work for you.

Free Consulations

Contact us for any questions, requests and further information; or to arrange a FREE Initial Consultation.
Our free no obligation Initial Consultation will be with our dentist and/or our Treatment Coordinators. The suitability of options discussed will ultimately be dependent upon your clinical assessment with a dentist at the practice.
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