Invisible Clear Braces

Clear braces

Alignment of teeth with an invisible clear system

What are Clear braces? | How do they work? | Advantages | How long is treatment? | Cost

Aligning your teeth to their correct position does not need to be a long, uncomfortable or insecure process.

Correcting your tooth position can be simple, effective and offer a wealth of benefits for your overall oral health, hygiene and appearance.

what are clear braces?

Using invisible aligners that snap on to the surface of the tooth, the tooth straightening process can take as little as six months!

This means patients, especially adult patients who feel conscious about their smile can complete their treatment quickly and inconspicuously. 

The fast procedure can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as micro-bondingteeth whitening or as part of the Align, Bleach and Bond process.

For more information on braces click here.

Clear Braces are a great alternative to traditionally fixed wire and bracket orthodontic treatments.

The treatment involves a series of clear aligners that are custom-moulded to fit you for teeth. The virtually invisible and discreet aligners gradually realign and shift the teeth to their correct position creating a smile you’ll be proud of.

They can fix mild to severe bite problems including:

  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Overcrowing
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps 

how long does the treatment take?

Invisalign is a fast and effective treatment which can take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to complete. However, this completely depends on your unique condition. 

Minor cases where teeth are being slightly straightened into position can take only a few months to complete.

Alternative treatment options can include Smile Makeover, Mini-Makeover, 6-Month Smiles, Fastbraces, C-Fast and or Lingual Braces. Find out more.


Pay Monthly With 0%

Pay monthly with 0% interest for amazing, discreet dental solutions that realign your smile. Our recommended cosmetic treatments have left thousands of patients feeling better and more confident about their appearance and how their smile functions.

how do clear braces work?

Using advanced 3-D computer imaging technology to transform your bite impressions into a custom-made series of clear and removable aligners.

During your initial visit, one of our professional consultants will carry out an assessment of your mouth. Here, they will evaluate if any threats exist to your oral condition.

If a diagnosis or symptoms of gum disease, infection or tooth decay have been identified these will need to be corrected before we continue with your planned treatment.

If there are no severe risks present, the orthodontist will then continue to take bite impressions of your teeth and will send these to our laboratories for processing.

During your next visit, you will receive your first set of clear aligners. We will most likely give you a few additional sets to wear before your next visit.

You’ll wear each set of clear aligners day and night for about 2 weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Patients, on average, complete treatment in approximately 12 months. You will have regular progress checks while wearing the clear aligners at your local clinic in London, Harley Street or Hertfordshire.


advantages of clear aligners

  • Simple and easy treatment
  • You do not have to wear “train track” braces and wires
  • The aligners are totally invisible and inconspicuous
  • This is a very comfortable and painless treatment
  • It is safe yet effective
  • You have more control and involvement in the process
  • Easier to clean
  • Eat whatever you want

how long will invisible alignment take ?

The time taken to complete each treatment is dependent on the severity of the case. It can take a few appointments to correctly align teeth that are very crooked or fewer appointments for simpler cases. 


We will start the process with a highly detailed and thorough comprehensive examination and assessment. We will then construct a customised treatment plan and design your adult orthodontic treatment.


The braces or aligners (depending upon your treatment plan) will be fitted.


Appointments will then be booked sequentially to review your progress and to make any necessary adjustments.


Your braces will be removed once you and your dentist are happy with the final results.


A permanent retainer will be fitted to prevent regression of treatment.


This appointment allows you to have any further refining enhancements or minor adjustments. Any teeth contouring can be done at this stage.


Before & After Gallery

See what our patients look like before and after veneers so you can gain a better idea of how they’re going to look and work for you.

Free Consulations

Contact us for any questions, requests and further information; or to arrange a FREE Initial Consultation.
Our free no obligation Initial Consultation will be with our dentist and/or our Treatment Coordinators. The suitability of options discussed will ultimately be dependent upon your clinical assessment with a dentist at the practice.
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