Costs And Prices

Adult 6-month treatment costs

This bracket and wire treatment to correct misaligned teeth constitutes numerous systems that have infiltrated the market. For this reason, the fees reflect the type of system, product or technique chosen to correct the smile.

Fees can range from £3500 to £5000 depending on the number of arches treated.

(Prices start from an unbelievable £51.00 PCM)

happy dentist photo

other factors that may affect the price are

  • Type of brackets and wires used
  • The complexity of the corrective procedure
  • If additional treatments become necessary to create the optimal final result. These will be discussed with you beforehand.

Occasionally, some patients may require additional post-corrective care, such as bite guards. This will have an additional fee.

Our orthodontists are trained experts who can provide additional care to our patients in all areas, including Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Essex.

At the Perfect Smile Studios, we will establish an agreed treatment plan after conducting highly detailed assessments, the examination of your mouth, oral health, hygiene, teeth and dynamics of bite.

This will highlight the best choices available to correct your smile so we can better understand and determine the most suitable option.

The treatment plan will then be tailored to your specific needs and budget.

Cost is Inclusive of

  • The important placing of the brackets and wires.
  • All your smart adjustment appointments.
  • The removal of your brackets and wires.
  • Special smoothing and polishing of your teeth surfaces.
  • The placement of a permanent retainer on the treated arch.
  • Home teeth gradually whitening treatment for the treated arch.
  • An extra review appointment after teeth has been treated.

Click on any of the below on the process of receiving dental treatment:

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Pay monthly with 0% interest for amazing, discreet dental solutions that realign your smile. Our recommended cosmetic treatments have left thousands of patients feeling better and more confident about their appearance and how their smile functions.

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